Tinsel update

Sorry I haven’t kept up with this but we have all been under the weather with lots of viruses, coughs, colds and other delights.
Our elf Tinsel has been up to all sorts so I have popped on some pics of all his adventures. Excitement is rising in our house, my middle child is bouncing all over the house a bit more with each day that passes. I’m pretty much wrapped and sorted and have a food shop booked. So feeling good.

This morning we got up to find, Tinsel had been taken hostage by the Dr Who baddies from the Mr’s advent Calendar! Tied up and everything! 🙂

How are you lot doing?

Merry christmas!

Tinsel has a joyride!A bath in the play kitchen sink and a kebab!Xmas movie marathon!Story time.Got to love a bit of colouring!Midnight feast!!Cheeky nap under the Xmas tree!Hugging the Xmas tree I think tinsel might be homesick.Consulting Santa and Rudolph about the christmas radio times!Dr who bad guy hostage situation!!!

The end of an era

So this week things happened that marked the end of two eras.

My eldest child confessed on the way to school (after poking his sister away out of ear shot) that he has decided that he doesn’t believe in Father Christmas any more.

I must confess a little part of me in the back of my head cried. I suppose I am lucky to have made it as far as a decade worth of belief from my not so little man.
I mean so many kids are “in the loop” a lot earlier and/or find out in much more crude ways.

I have a friend who found out when she saw her dad fall out of the loft with the presents dressed as father Christmas. Some are told by cruel older siblings/family members.
Usually it’s school that kills it for so many, being around other kids who might have doubts or have decided already or have been told how ever.

He knows to keep shtum around his little sisters, so in that way I am happy its not all over.

He is relieved to know that his stocking will still be laid out and filled on Christmas day.

The other thing is my baby girl has finished her very last box of formula milk. 😦
She now only has maybe one or two bottles a day and is fully moved onto cows milk.

I haven’t given up on the bottles yet, I can’t quite bring my self to do that yet. Our cuddle on the rocker in her room while she has her bedtime milk is part of our routine.

And I’m happy to keep that for as long as she wants it, because if we are honest we know these things don’t last long. Soon I’ll be furniture who provides things and lets her get on with it her self.

She is getting to the point where she will sit still for a very SHORT story, so that will hopefully be next. A cuddle up on the rocker with a story.

So now I’m feeling happy that my children are growing and are happily doing what they should.
Having said that I’m not happy about it either it’s come round far too quickly.

What’s a mother to do?

Have you had any “end of an era” moments recently? Are you happy about them?
Tell me!

Speak soon lovelies.

My dear girl

My dearest Amelia,

It’s has been a year since you came into our lives with a lusty cry (from you and me both).

After what felt like the worlds longest pregnancy, filled with worries and dreams, you were finally here for us to see, touch and smell. All 8lbs 14oz of you, and oh what a beautiful baby. Pink all over (mainly through outrage at being pulled from your warm nest) and blinking into the bright new world around you.

We had arrived at the hospital at 10am that morning to be prepped for your c-section. There where three ladies due to have babies that day, so we had no idea what time we would be called down to have our turn.
We were told there were three slots 1pm, 2.30pm and 4pm. So naturally assumed that we would have the last slot. I was starving, as I’d been told not eat since 6am and only a little sip of water after that!

All my checks and preparation were done and we were given a small room with the squashiest sofa in world in it to wait in, I was convinced I would be stuck in it for ever!

Then just as the hunger and nerves where building up inside me we were called up first! As grateful as I was not to have to wait till last I did feel guilty that the other ladies would be left waiting longer.

We were taken to the recovery room where I could leave all my bags. I had to leave daddy there as I needed to get on the special bed and have some injections.
I didn’t like being without daddy, it made me nervous and the medicine made me sleepy. Then daddy came in wearing a very fetching yellow paper shirt that looked like someone had been sick on him! And a very attractive hat!

After what felt like eternity listening to the soft mumbles of the doctors, you came into the world Yelling in protest! It was the most beautiful sound, so strong and vital. The relief flooding through me was overwhelming.

The nurse took pictures of you being checked over and weighed. They are the most wonderful pictures, I’m very delighted to have them. ( you don’t look to happy about it though!)

The rest of the day went by in a blur of staring at you, itchy noses (the morphine caused that apparently) and picture taking. I stayed in recovery until about 10.30pm and then was taken my own room.
Daddy had to go home after that, which was sad. But we snuggled down for the night, you dressed in your huge baby grows with me staring at you, pinching myself regularly trying to believe you had finally arrived.

Now a year has passed and I’m not ashamed to say I’m not ready. I already miss holding your tiny new body, all curled up with your knees up on your chest.
Having said that your one year old self is an absolute delight! Your cheeky smile as you do something you know you shouldn’t. Your slightly drunken walk. Turning everything into a phone by smacking it slightly to hard to the side of your head whole saying a breathy “hi”.
everyone who meets you adores you, and you already have your daddy and big brother wrapped around your little finger.
I’m thoroughly enjoying every minute of you, and can’t wait to see each stage.
Although I do hope you sleep through by the time we reach your next birthday!

With all the love in my heart